For writers who need to finish books that make lives better.

If you could get your book out of your head and onto the page…

…without puzzling out your book’s structure from free workshops and handouts or yet another course…


…do it with the support of a certified book coach who is trained to give you the best advice and feedback…

…would you feel ready to commit to your book?

Let me help you get to grips with your book.


Sensitive coaching.

Skilled editing.

Serious results.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments on the overall tone of the book and for squeezing me into your busy schedule. And thanks for being such a trustworthy partner.
Michelle Mains (USA)
Legal Specialist, IP
Honestly, the work you did for me was outstanding!
Jerry Fish
Coach and Writer
Sometimes there just isn't much to say other than "Thanks for the kind words. They have really helped."
Andy McFerren
Lawyer and Writer
My non-fiction book idea had gone nowhere in five years - and then I began working with Ruth. With her insightful guidance, I transformed my vague ideas into a tight and compelling concept. The assignments kept me on track and I made more progress than I could have imagined. Her feedback was invariably spot on. Ruth gave me the confidence I need to write the book I want to write.
Susan Handy PhD (USA)
UC Davis
I valued Ruth's assistance with an editing project and was fortunate to be able to access her help when I needed it. Ruth's were the final set of eyes before layout and she spotted things none of us had before. She was generous with her communication, encouraging, prompt and engaged with the book. As a result, the author is proud to push the 'go' button on the book.
Bev Ryan (Australia)
Book Producer, of Hannah Schuhmann's 'Confessions of a Woman in Real Estate'
Ruth's guidance and support has been invaluable in my nonfiction book writing journey. She managed to challenge and encourage me in equal measure - making sure I did the hard things, but also ensuring that I didn't get disheartened. Ruth has a deep knowledge of the book publishing industry and provided expert advice and guidance through the process.
Walter Coxon (UK)
Executive and Adviser

“This is all great. Er, well done.

“But actually, I just wanted to ask if you’d edit my book?”

Ah – of course. Click on the pink button to tell me about your book and I’ll get a quote off to you.

But if you haven’t written your book yet, are you feeling…

Stuck & Frustrated?

If, like my clients—who tend to work in the law, or in banks, or as doctors—you don’t write books for a living…

…writing a book is worrying.

You’re the sort of person who is used to knowing what to do.

You’ve been trained in specialist subjects to a high level. Usually it’s you who leads the way.

This time is different.

You know you need help. 

“Right. I’ve been buying all the courses and reading all the books.”

Great. That shows you’re committed. 

You’ve realised you need to treat your book as a professional project.

It is not a hobby to be picked up and dropped when you feel like it.

And how are the courses and all those books and freebie handouts helping you, so far?

The thing is, no-one writes a book alone.

It just can’t be done. 

Writing a masterpiece in a draughty attic, alone in the world and never talking your ideas through with anyone is a myth.

And it’s not how professional writers write.

Take a look at the Acknowledgements page of any book.

See how many people were involved in:

🫖 making tea

💐 cheering the author up

🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 mentoring

🔊 coaching

✒️ editing, and

📕 producing the book.

In fact, I’m going to guess that if you’ve tried going it alone, you’ve run into the sand and night is falling.

But you want to share your valuable knowledge.

You know it will inspire people to live their best lives.

You can help them to understand a fundamental truth or adopt better practices or gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.

And you don’t know where to start.


And so you’re stuck.

You are in danger of giving up altogether.

There is no virtue in trying to battle on alone.

I have got to a stage where I have a professional-quality book proposal to share with a target group of publishers.

Working with you has allowed me to achieve that and to learn an awful lot as I have gone through the process.

Chris, Canada

Would you like to see my CV?

I have worked on many books since starting in this profession since 2020. 

Take a look at my portfolio of experience by clicking on the pink button.

I’m trained to coach you

I studied book coaching under Jennie Nash of Author Accelerator (no affiliation) for 18 months (2020-2021). I keep up to date with continuous learning from the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading.

With my training, and my four-year practice in which I’ve helped over 70 writers, I know how to help you frame your ideas and express them clearly so you write a marketable book. 

I help you write from your idea to The End.

Would you like to find out if I can help you?

Believe it: You are a Writer

How we think affects how we act.

This is what writers have said after we’ve worked together:

“I’ve got the confidence I need to write the book I want to write.”

“I feel powerful because I am investing in my own book.”

“I feel excited as I’ve made more progress than I could have imagined.”

“I’ve got a finished manuscript I’m proud of.”

“I felt trepidatious to put my book idea on paper… ironic. Ruth created such a warm, receptive place.”

“I’m inspired now I’ve got the best vision of my work.”

It’s always refreshing and energizing when talking to you.

Fact about my business

7 clients’ books published

70+ writers helped

4 years experience as a book coach

39 years experience as a lawyer

Sensitive coaching.

Serious results.

Ruth was inspirational in helping me with a book project I have been working on for some time. Having gone through her Foundations course, I have a much better sense of why I am writing and who it is for. It made me more productive, improved my structure and gave me a far clearer sense of purpose. I would recommend Ruth to anyone who is either considering writing and doesn’t know where to begin, or who has started writing and is struggling to keep going.
Chris (Canada)
Sales Director (Book Proposal under way)
When I met Ruth, I was two years into my manuscript. I knew I needed the help of an editor, but what I didn't appreciate is how much depth and emotion Ruth would help bring to my story. Ruth was thoughtful and inquisitive in our meetings and she worked hard to understand my vision for the story. The edits she made to my manuscript elevated the story and her ability to edit without compromising my voice was extraordinary.
Stephanie (USA)
Legal Thriller Author (Awaiting publication)
Ruth, you have been a wonderful help to me. It's like night and day. I had all of these ideas and I had no idea where to start. I feel hope again, I get all mired, I talk to you, and then I have inspiration again.
Retired Academic and Writer (USA)

Discover with me that…

A book is written to be read and you can write a book worth reading 

Your book is more important than your fear.

Draughty garrets and solitude don’t make good books.

If you talk early, you’ll save rewriting.

It takes two to make a book work: the writer and the reader.

Writing and publishing is a process. It needs a plan.

You shouldn’t be ready to hire a book coach.

Are you Unready?

How does your coaching work exactly?




We start by working out where you are in your writing journey.

Think of my coaching as a Pathway. 

I lead you from the germ of your idea, through its growth and blossoming into a full book structure, and from there to a book proposal, the writing of the book, and the editing and polishing needed to approach publishing.

Join me anywhere along the path. I can meet you at the point that suits you best. 

This is the pathway

This is how I guide you along the route to help you write your book from The Idea to The End.

You don’t have to take every step with me.

We will discuss what work serves your book best.

1. Your Book on a Page

Visualise the whole of your book before you write it. Get a clear idea of what you want to write and find out where more thinking is needed. That level of clarity is incredibly motivating to get your book underway.

2. Your Book's Foundations

Move your book forward by establishing the four cornerstones of any good book. When you have finished, you will be able to articulate what your book is about (and what it is not about), why you are writing it and who will want to read it.

3. Your Book Proposal

Whether you want to publish yourself, or through a publisher, you need to design your book from the contents to the marketing. I guide you through the process of making a business case for your book. 

4. Plan to Publish

Determine your pitch strategy and, with my help, make a prioritised plan to pitch your book proposal to publishers and agents. That’s if you want to approach traditional publishers. If you want to self-publish, I explain how.

5. Write Your Book

Either you’ve decided to self-publish or you’ve secured your publishing contract.  Now you are raring to write. I hold you accountable to your tailored writing plan so you write to the end. 

6. Polish with a Copyedit

Your manuscript is now nearly as good as it can be. But no book is ready to self-publish, or to submit to publishers, until it is overhauled by a professional copyeditor. You are on the last leg of the journey before the publishing stage. Treat yourself to a break while I work on your manuscript. Apply for editing here.

7. Legal Contract Review

When you are offered a contract by a publisher, you will want to know what you are letting yourself in for. I am a lawyer, qualified in UK law, and undertake legal reviews of publishing contracts. Jargon-free and highly practical, these reviews will leave you in no doubt about how to negotiate your publishing contract.

Following this pathway is how you make your book a reality.

Susan Handy, author, Shifting Gears

Susan Handy wanted to put the capstone on her life-long career in US Transport Policy at UC Davis and the University of Texas Austin by writing a book.

With my support, she straightened out her ideas, wrote a stunning book proposal and secured a publishing contract with a major press whose books are distributed by Penguin Random House.

Shifting Gears was published by the MIT Press in 2023.

“Your feedback was invariably spot on, homing in on weaknesses I had trouble seeing for myself.

“Clarifying the target audience and refining the outline were especially valuable parts of the process.”

Jerry Fish, author, The Black Dot Philosophy

In late 2023, Jerry Fish had a brain full of ideas after a lifetime’s career and wanted to work them into a book that was:

⚫ Persuasive

⚫ Coherent 

⚫ Inspiring

In 2024, The Black Dot Philosophy was published.

“Ruth, 10 out of 10. Tons of value. You are a true professional, extremely knowledgeable and talented. You are easy to work with and trustworthy!”

How it works

We work in coaching cycles

A coaching cycle consists of:

Assigned pre-work

Email support

One-to-one call by Zoom to discuss

My feedback

Follow-up work

It’s quite intense. And right there, in the intensity, is the value.

Are you ready to make your book real?

Is this the year you prove to yourself you can write a book?

Let’s talk about money.

One cycle of book coaching costs $780 (inc tax).

You have to know this so that you can budget, save, or walk away.

You’ll need around six cycles to write a Book Proposal with me, two to lay the Foundations.

I tailor quotes for every writer, but this gives you a feel for the sort of investment you will make in your book.

I know. It’s a LOT.

Consider this:

✨Your book is your professional output. It’s not a hobby. You need a professional service.

✨You get my four decades experience as a lawyer who has led clients through strategy and execution of major projects.

✨Writing your book with me could take up to 10 months, or longer if you need breaks. 

And thanks for your feedback. I appreciate that despite my messy scribblings, you always find something amongst the weeds to praise. 😄 

UK B2B Business Coach

Hold up!

Before we go any further….



I do not, cannot, will never guarantee your book will be published.

It’s not in my control to guarantee publication. 

I am not a publisher.

I am not an agent.

I do not submit to agents on a writer’s behalf. 

I have no professional relationship with any agent or publisher.

I am not a ‘fast track’ to publishing.

I give impartial advice.

My promise to you is to help you plan, write and submit the best version of your book that you can.


There’s something else I don’t guarantee.

Filling out the Application Form doesn’t guarantee you’ll secure a coaching place. 

My application process is for real.

It is not a false, illusory application process.

It’s so you can get to know me a little better before meeting me.

And it’s the first taste of your coaching experience.

You may decide it’s not for you.

That’s OK.

Better for us to know that now, than after you’ve taken a few rounds of coaching.

If you do like what you see and feel the excitement of enquiry, then when you’ve submitted the form, I take a look at your book plans.

I promise to be 100% honest with you. If I think I can’t serve you and your book, I’m going to say, “No”.

If it looks like we might be a good match, then you’ll want to meet me before committing. And I’ll want to meet you too!

So then I’ll invite you onto a free call to talk a little more. You can ask me questions, and I can ask you.

I owe it to you to make sure that my coaching will bring you closer to your goals of writing and finishing your book.

My Book Coaching is for you if...


You want someone to help you make an engaging story of your experience so that you can share your expertise.


You are writing a knowledgeable book that will bring readers a deeper understanding of the world around us.


You need someone to make sure you write to schedule and finish.


You keep writing and rewriting and can’t move forward.


You are not happy with what you’ve written.


You want support in pitching your book proposal to a publisher.


You don’t think you’ve nailed your book idea.


You don’t know if your book deserves to be Out There.


You feel stuck and annoyed because you want to finish your book.


A bit about me

I give writers the clarity and structure they need to write the brilliant book they want to write.

I show them how to dig deeper into the spark of their idea to find meaning that will resonate with their reader.

After spending a lifetime practicing law in London, I was nearly perfect when I decided to spend more time with words and writers.

Life outside book coaching and editing

Married to “JP”, and a very proud mum of two amazing women.


I was born in Yorkshire and raised in Devon (that’s my happy place, in the picture). I lived in California before studying at Oxford and working in London.

Guilty pleasure 

An annual, solitary, DIY Writing Retreat on an ocean-crossing cruise. All those sea days without wifi. Heaven. 

My first job

Exeter University Archaeological Unit based in a Portakabin. Gluing together bits of broken Roman Samian-ware pots. No, I agree. It wasn’t exciting. 😏

The evidence

See the full list of books I’ve worked on.


Great. I do copyediting (preparing your text for your reader) as a standalone service for all genres of full-length books. Apply on this form.

You don’t need to have been coached by me on your book before getting a copyedit.


I work to a tariff that depends on how many words are in your manuscript, and how quickly you need it.

For a book between 50,000 and 75,000 words, I generally charge $2,700 inc VAT but it depends on how complex the text is (with respect to footnotes, pictures, sidebars, etc).

When you need a copyedit

You are feeling confident that your manuscript or book proposal is pretty much the best you can make it. You have finished “tinkering” with it.

It’s about to go out into the world. And into the wild. To be read by people who don’t know you. Who won’t “make allowances”.

Like all good writers, you are honest with yourself. You have a niggling doubt that you might have misspelt, or misused, some words. Maybe you don’t feel 100% confident using commas or hyphens. Or maybe you worry you have overlooked some errors. We all make them. We’re human.

You don’t want someone changing your words because they think it “sounds better.” You want the things that are wrong to be put right.

You want the grammar, spelling, and punctuation to be correct, line-by-line.

You want accuracy and consistency so your reader is not distracted by mistakes.

That’s the way you make sure your reader will enjoy what you’ve written.

Let me give you a quote for your book. Reach me here.

Every writer and every book is different. There are two constants to consider:

  1. where in your own writerly journey you join up with me, and
  2. on how hard you are able to work.

If you start working with me when you have the spark of an idea for a book, then writing your book with me could take up to 10 months, or with breaks in between (which you are likely to need), it could take up to 18 months. It could take longer. It’s unlikely to be quicker.

I’m talking about walking along the entire pathway, how I guide you along the route to help you write your book from The Idea to The End. (Scroll up if you missed it.) 

So if you are wondering how long, for example, my service “Write Your Book” takes, where I hold you accountable to your tailored writing plan so you write to the end, that might take 3 months (pretty punishing) or it might take 6 months.

Everyone’s circumstances differ. What I can do for you is to create a plan that is tailored to your specific needs, so that you have the framework and certainty you need to be creative.

How hard to you want to work?

Let me give you some writer case studies so you can get a feel for how the facts might apply to your needs:

Alex: under a publishing contract deadline of 12 months/university professor

Spent 8 months writing a 300-page book. With work commitments, used weekends (with holidays, roughly 2 out 4); allowed 3 months for copyediting and indexing.

Chris: self-publishing to enhance their coaching business. From germ of idea to uploading on Amazon

Being fast to market was important for Chris. 3 months to develop and refine ideas, consider market and readership, and nail down a writing plan; 3 months to write. A 2 month break for editing and indexing. (6 weeks for production). Uploaded to Amazon 8 months after starting work with me.

Like I’ve said elsewhere, everyone’s circumstances differ. What I can do for you is to create a plan that is tailored to your specific needs, so that you have the framework and certainty you need to be creative.

You have nailed one of the most profound questions you can ask me. 

I love to work with writers of books that enhance our understanding of the world around us. By offering their deep knowledge, they encourage their readers to live their best lives.

You might be writing:

  • a business book to support your coaching practice
  • a work of history
  • a work of popular science.

Or you might be making an argument for personal change.

What you have in common with other writers who love to work with me is that you understand the importance of rational thought, scientific knowledge and historical fact.

You also value humility, compassion, and more than a dash of humour.

If your book brings a sense of optimism and joy in life, so much the better.

I like clear boundaries, so it will help to tell you what I do not work with:

  • sexual or violent content
  • polemics, or writing fuelled by hatred
  • books promoting spirituality or religion.


I coach mostly nonfiction and some memoir. Being dual-qualified in Nonfiction and in Fiction coaching, occasionally I will accept a fiction project.

But I am not a coach for children’s books, short stories, essays, poetry, or screenplays.

It depends on what stage of the book writing process you are at.

For the book not yet born

Book coaching helps you to wrestle with the big ideas of your book.

You get book coaching from the moment you decide you want to get to grips with your book, write it, and finish it. 

The newly born book in need of tending

Editing is where I bring my skill to enhance the reader’s experience of what you have written.

You need an editor to review your manuscript before you self-publish, or before you send your book proposal or manuscript to agents or publishers.

My super-power as an editor is my ability to reflect your own voice in your writing. Read more here.

You have probably picked up by now that I DO NOT GUARANTEE YOU WILL SECURE A PUBLISHER.

If you seek traditional publication, I will do my level best to make sure your Proposal is the best it can be: clear and compelling, well-researched as to audience, readership, marketability. 

But many factors prevent a publisher from making an offer. Only one of those factors is the book proposal itself.

When we work together, I make it so clear that you might not secure a publisher, you get sick of hearing me say it. What I also say is that you have options. We think about your publishing goals and develop the best strategies for you: Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C. I support you throughout the process and if you need to change direction, I’ll show you how.

If you want to know more about the publishing process, open up my application form. Scroll down and find, in the middle of it, a clear explanation of the main routes to publishing. Take it, for free.

Because I work one-to-one with writers, I work with only six at any one time.

Sometimes, I am unable to start working with a client immediately and we might agree to formally start in two, or even three months time. You don’t lose out by this because I will give you a plan of action for the intervening time before we start.

This way. If you can answer “Yes” to all these points, you and your book are ready:

✔️ You have an idea for a book for that won’t go away and nags at you.

✔️ Your attitude to your book is serious. You are prepared to treat it as a professional project. You are not dabbling.

✔️ You keep writing and rewriting and can’t move forward.

✔️ You suspect there is a process to follow but are not sure what it is.

✔️ You understand that it’s a fallacy to need to be ready for coaching. That feeling “unprepared” is the right state to be in. Coaching is not an exam. It’s what a skilled and trained coach does to help you work out what you need to do to feel confident enough to write your book through to the end.

✔️ You love to work with one trusted advisor.

Yes and No. 


In our work on your Book Proposal, we spend (quite a lot of) time on your Marketing strategy and we devise a plan to a standard designed to convince a traditional publisher that you are serious about selling your book.

If you plan to self-publish, we do the same work. You have to carry out the same plan whether you are traditionally or self-published. 

We research your audience and readership, we look at what is possible, what is a stretch, and discount what is not feasible. We think laterally and we think sensibly. It’s great fun.


What I don’t do is to actually carry out the marketing of your book or oversee the activity. There are people whose whole business is the PR and Marketing of books and they are the people to help you with that.

Yes. $780, for my experience, authority, and knowledge of how the US and the UK publishing industry works.

In one cycle, I set you work to move you towards your book goal. I give you written support as you work, answering questions you have along the way, I give you feedback on your finished assignment and direction on your next steps. We have an hour-long call by Zoom to discuss your progress, and your questions. All this is designed to keep you moving towards your goals.

Average monthly cost

Writers I start work with find it helpful to know what the whole landscape could look like to write their book from start to finish, and how long it could take to start submitting to agents and publishers from the moment they talk to me about their idea for a book. Up to 18 months.

A client determined to write and finish their book deserves to know that over, say, a 10-month period, or even an 18-month period, they may (may) go through ten cycles of coaching.

For budgeting purposes, consider the average monthly cost over an 18-month period, to keep it in proportion: $488.


Your coaching journey is broken up into small parts. So, if you start with the germ of an idea and want to get your headline book plan clear, you work in one cycle of coaching with me: Your Book on a Page. 

If you don’t want to go any further with me for any reason, that’s it. You’ve spent $780, and then you can walk away.

But if you love your experience of book coaching (committed writers do), then we move onto Your Book’s Foundations.

And then onto Your Book Proposal, then your Plan to Publish, and accountability as you Write Your Book, and then the all-important Copyedit before submission or publishing.

Each stage is separate and we discuss if you want to move onto the next stage. 

I require payment in advance of each book coaching cycle. You and I will agree how many cycles you should start with based on your writing goals.

Or, to schedule time for my editing services, as a line or or a copyeditor, I require a 50% deposit, nonrefundable and paid in advance.

I never, EVER, enter into contingent fee arrangements (“I’ll pay you if I get published by Penguin.” “I can’t pay you now but let’s split the royalties when they flow in, even though you did the work two years ago.”) Nor do I agree to wait for funds to be raised by crowd-sourcing or sponsorship (“I’ll pay you when I’ve raised the funds but let’s start work now.”) 

I am based in the UK and I’m required by law to collect VAT: a sales tax of 20%. That’s because my business meets a certain turnover threshold.

My registration number is GB239376182, which you may need if you are also registered for VAT in the UK or EU. You may be able to set off the VAT you pay me. (Check with your accountant.)

Yes, I’m glad you asked me that. We need to talk about AI.

Any of these big language model tools, Co-Pilot, Chat GPT, etc, are great for prompts at the initial brain-storming stage of projects if you are really stuck. A jumping-off point, only.

But to help you write the text of your book? No.

No, no, no.

You do know, don’t you, that these tools are only resourcing their answers from huge text banks filled with other people’s words? 

The spectres of plagiarism and breach of copyright should be rising up in front of your writing desk.

If you apply to coach with me, I will ask you to confirm that no part of your book is, or will be, written using generative predictive text (GPT).

Best not mention this in polite circles, but I have been a practicing lawyer for nearly 40 years. You can trust me.

I’m saying this not because I am a lawyer but because by being a lawyer, I am still an officer of the Supreme Court, and a member of the Law Society, of England and Wales.

So, if I breach your confidentiality by discussing or plagiarising your book or book idea, they will think of more inventive ways to hurt to me than by just killing me.

I thought you’d never ask. 🤓

When you press Submit, your answers will come straight to my inbox.

I’ll read them carefully and email you my advice on your best course of action.




Let’s do this!

I want to tell the world:

Ruth is amazing. She will get the book out of you and you will hardly feel a thing!

I hired you because I needed a professional editor to give my book the best chance with readers. And I was scared by the idea of sitting down to write my book from start to finish.

You helped me find confidence in the concept and gave me accountability to actually get the damn thing finished. It was reassuring to have an experienced professional by my side so that I knew I wasn’t veering wildly and wasting time or creating anything that wouldn’t be readable or marketable to my audience.

I am really proud that I wrote 60K words in 3 months! I know that’s because we spent a few weeks going deep on what I wanted to say. And even though I didn’t find my voice at once, by the end I was a lot more confident in how I wanted to say things.

You were very encouraging throughout and I am not used to having so much positivity around my writing (probably because my Inner Critic is loud and very mean!) – it felt a little weird not having my writing ripped apart. Was that what I expected? I think so. Would criticism have helped me? No. 

Your editing process has shown me what absolutely needs to change because it’s not clear or right. But now I feel good about my skill as a writer, writing in my own unique voice.

Jessica, UK. (Book due for publication late 2024; details confidential until then.)

How do I apply?


©️ Ruth Bullivant 2024. All rights reserved