Do you have an explorer's frame of mind? Free guide The Art of Travel Writing

Did you hear the one about the Agent and the Authors?

Sometimes, literary agencies sack their authors – but not usually in large groups.

An author’s relationship with their literary agent has always been highly individual. There are no defined codes or industry standards. It’s a deeply personal relationship.

The former agent Nathan Bransford has something to say about a recent debacle, and offers practical lessons for writers seeking an agent in a tough climate: click here

Publishing a well-crafted book independently (Amazon, Kobo, reputable hybrid) is an attractive alternative. It should never be seen as second best. The publishing business is a commodity business and a distribution network. 

The ‘validity’ a publishing contract offers is that the acquiring editor thinks the book will sell enough copies to be profitable.

So if you are going into negotiations with a publisher, with or without an agent, remember, you are the boss. I wrote this list of questions to ask your publisher.

Download it and save it for the day you need it.