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The International Language of Horse

Specialized vocabulary. Used appropriately, it will enrich your writing.

In writing my current murder mystery, I’m galloping to the stable door and home but in the editing process, I’ve found it necessary to introduce a new twist. The new scene needs horses.

It’s half a century since I rode (Devon farm tracks on borrowed field ponies). I still recall the jingling sound of brass tackle, the smell of leather saddles, the greasiness of well-used reins, but I never once thought about how to describe the sounds horses make.

Googling, I found there are four types of equine vocalizations: the whinny, the nicker, the snort and the squeal.

Each equine vocal communication has a precise meaning. The horse, it might be a stallion, a gelding or a mare, wants to convey distinct messages with each sound. But the sounds mean the same thing, each time, for every horse in the world.

An international language of Horse.

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