Ruth Bullivant Book Coaching

Book Audit

Book Audit

An affordable alternative to Developmental Editing

When is ‘done’, so far as your book goes?

How do you decide if it’s safe to lay down your pen?

It’s the hardest question for writers

You’ve put your heart and soul into your book and you need to know, does it pass muster? Can you send it out into the world?

You feel you need a second pair of eyes on it but you want objective and constructive feedback, not mere opinion.

Hello. I’m Ruth

If you are thinking about getting me to Audit your book, we’ve probably not met.

So tell me about your book.

Are you writing nonfiction?

Does your Book Proposal keep being rejected?

Or have you written a draft of your book and are wondering if it is strong enough to publish?

Developmental Editing is laborious

And expensive. And, mostly, a waste of time.

If you have already written 60,000 words of your book, it’s too late for page by page feedback. It will exhaust you, just looking at it.

Instead, if a writer encounters me after they have written their book, and they are wondering why they don’t feel quite happy with it, or how to find a publisher, then I might offer a Book Audit.

The Book Audit shows you what works in your manuscript, or book proposal, and what needs more work.

I don’t inflict my subjective opinion on you.

My feedback is carefully calibrated against publishing industry norms and expectations.

I benchmark my findings against key indicators so that you know the strengths and weaknesses of your book as a marketable, and readable, proposition. 

The output of the Audit is that you get an actionable plan for improving your book’s chances of success in the market.

Have you written a book that draws on your expertise?

You wrote it for the benefit of people who need to hear what you have to say.

But, now, you are wondering if it’s good enough to publish.

Maybe you have started to query publishers but aren’t making any progress to publication.

Then you definitely need my Audit.

Only a tiny proportion of submitting authors attract attention from publishers, but knowing how to position your book in the best possible light gives you your best chance.

My Audit gives you insightful, fact-based feedback and an actionable plan to move your book along its publishing journey.

Click on the button to pull up a form to get started. Tell me about your book and I will tell you if a Book Audit is your best next step.

How it works, step by step

Step 1: Ask if an Audit would help your book

Tell me about your book by clicking on the button (‘Get Started‘) to pull up a form. Everything you tell me I’ll hold in strict confidence. Your message comes straight to my personal inbox, and when I see it, I will review it and tell you if I think an Audit will suit your book goals. (There is no charge for this).

Step 2: We meet on a free call

If I think an Audit is suitable, I will suggest we hop on a call so that you can ask me any questions you have. You aren’t committed to anything, and if I offer to work with you, you still make the final decision before going ahead.

Step 3: I perform the Audit

If we go ahead, I will send you a payment link (my indicative charges can be viewed here.) This covers your Audit and a one-hour follow-up call with me. You’ll send me your work for Auditing and I conduct the Audit.

Step 4: You receive the completed Audit

I send you the finished Audit within the time we’ve agreed. I explain my assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the book measured against the objective standards of the book industry. 

Step 5: Follow-up call

We have a call on Zoom so that you can ask me questions about the Audit findings and we can make a plan to help you move forward with your book.

As a result of the Audit

🌟You will understand your book or proposal’s strengths and developmental needs measured against the criteria used by publishers, or the reasonable expectations of your readers.

🌟You will know if there are areas of your book you should do some more work on before you lay down your pen.

🌟You will have an actionable plan to move your book forward towards publication.

How much will this cost?

Rates vary according to how long your Proposal or Manuscript is.

Click on the button to see my indicative charges.

Do you like what you see?

Well, let’s get started!

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