Map out your book

Map Out Your Book is a special book coaching service I offer to writers who have a book in mind but are not sure how to tackle it. It also works brilliantly for writers who have started writing their book but are feeling frustrated because they have run out of steam and feel they haven’t nailed it yet.

In one round of book coaching, at an introductory price, I help you work out the essential building blocks of your book. We look at why you want to write it, who needs to read it, how you would describe it, what other books out there are a bit like it, and more.

Map Out Your Book is a great tool for any writer writing any book, for example, whether you are writing a work of memory (Memoir) or imagination (Fiction) or of reason, fact, process, or philosophy (Nonfiction).

You work through a mini-course, called Reboot your Book (also available as a stand-alone), and then you work on more questions that will get you started with mapping out your book. Your work helps you go deep into the fundamentals of your book with my written guidance.

After you’ve worked on that, we get together on a call (Zoom, with or without the cameras on as you wish) and talk through what you have come up with. You ask me questions, I ask you questions and together, we get a map, or a proof of concept of your book onto the page. 

You walk away with a concrete action plan to get going on your book. You save months of time, not writing pages and pages to ‘feel your way in’ which, in the end, is tiring and dispiriting because you have no map to follow, no clearly articulated reason for writing, no vision for your book.

After getting the book mapped out, you’ll know exactly why you are writing, and who you are writing for so that then you can move on to addressing what you are going to write, at a chapter level.

How it works, step by step

Step 1: use the pink button to book your free fact-finding call to meet me so that you can ask any questions you like about how Map Out Your Book works. That helps you decide if this investment of your time and energy is for you and your book.

Step 2: if you want to go ahead and Map Out Your Book with me, I send you a payment link for $195 or sterling equivalent (credit card). This covers your online mini-course, your workbook, and a one-hour coaching call with me. After you’ve paid, I will give you access to your materials so that you can get started with mapping out your book.

Step 3: you’ll open up your access to the online mini-course. This walks you through the first things you’ll want to get clear on about your book. You will get right down into the essence of your ideas and find new insights into them because of the questions I ask you. You’ll want to spend two to three hours on this online mini-course, in total. If you don’t have, say, time at the weekend for it, the great news is I show you how to split the modules up over the course of five days, twenty minutes each.

Step 4: then you’ll work through your workbook and your draft map, and send me your finished work before our call. When you have finished the online mini-course:

🌟You will have tested your idea against the criteria used by publishers and identified its strengths and developmental needs

🌟You will know exactly who needs to read what you have to tell them and that knowledge will sustain you as you write forward

🌟You will have confidence, based on facts, that you can write a compelling book.

Step 5: By this stage, you will have questions about exactly how everything you have learned applies to your unique book and your goals. We have a call that allows me to help you shape a plan for moving forward as you dig deep into your new-found insights.

Get started

Click on the pink button to pull up a form so you can tell me about the book you have in mind. Everything you tell me I’ll hold in strict confidence. Your answers come straight to my personal inbox, and when I see them I will review them and email you back with my advice for your best next steps.

Click on the pink button to pull up the form.