Ruth Bullivant Book Coaching

Reboot Your Book

Reboot your Book

Have you started writing your book and got discouraged? Or have you been kicking an idea for a book around but can’t seem to get it off the ground?

Feel like giving up? Please don’t!

Reboot your Book is a toolkit that helps you get hold of that great idea for a book you had and infuse it with new energy. It works for fiction and for nonfiction.

It gives you the practical tools to test, probe and expand your idea so that you don’t give up on your book.

In under a couple of hours, you’ll get excited about your book idea again.

Are you brewing a book idea but don't know if it's any good?

Often, we write and rewrite – making confident fresh starts only to dry up – again – at chapter 3. Or we tinker with the table of contents. Or we’ve pushed ourselves to write the whole manuscript but it feels ‘off’, somehow. 

With diminishing hope and energy, we tell ourselves, we’ll get it ‘right’ next time.

More often than not, in disappointment and frustration, we decide the idea was never going to work anyway. We abandon the book.

We ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater’.

It’s such a shame. What’s happening is that we aren’t absolutely clear about our book ideas. It’s a myth to think you can write yourself into the answer.

Confusion leads to inaction.

We can only move forward when we are clear about where we are headed.

So, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to reboot our book?

➡️ To get right down into the essence of our ideas.

➡️ To draw fresh inspiration from the source.

➡️ To get ourselves straight for writing forward?

So that we save wasting more time: thrashing around with re-writes or worse – doing nothing?

Are you constantly re-writing without finishing?

It’s a bad place to be, when you lose confidence in your book idea.

You don’t want to give up, because of the time and emotional energy you’ve invested in it already.

But what started with joy and inspiration has become a challenge to your staying power.

It’s a drag, weighing on your free time when you aren’t holding down the day job (and there isn’t much of that time).

You think, maybe if I start over, I’ll get it right this time. You’ve made several fresh starts, and you always start with hope in your heart.

“If I just keep going,” you say, “I’ll find my way back to that glorious moment when I had a great idea for a book!”

But inspiration hasn’t come, and with every day that passes, you’re feeling more disillusioned with your book.

Believe me when I say, it doesn’t have to be like that.

What if you could get unstuck?

What if you could get clear not only on what you want to write, but also, why you want to write it?

Not being clear is the biggest obstacle to finishing your book.

I work with a lot of writers and I’m a trained, certified book coach for fiction and nonfiction writers.

I know the questions writers need to ask themselves to get their sense of purpose back.

I want to help you get unstuck and to understand how to move forward with a sense of joy in what you are writing.

That is why I created this toolkit, Reboot your Book.

By the end of this self-paced mini-course

🌟You will have tested your idea against the criteria used by publishers and identified its strengths and developmental needs

🌟You will know exactly who needs to read what you have to tell them and that knowledge will sustain you as you write forward

🌟You will have confidence, based on facts, that you can write a compelling book.

Reboot your Book will pull your book out of the doldrums and get it sailing along in a stiff breeze once more.

This time, you won’t be powered by uninformed hope.

You will know exactly where you are going.

If you want to rescue your book, get hold of Reboot your Book now and schedule 90 minutes with yourself to get stuck in. 

What is Reboot your Book?

Reboot your Book is a set of tools to get your ideas out of the mud and on their way.

It’s not an editing tool.

It’s not going to show you how to assess the words on your pages.

It’s all about getting the concept clear – the ideas on which your book is based and how well you can articulate what your book is about and where it will ‘sit’ in the book market.

Not being clear on the concept bogs a book down.

Reboot your Book gets you clear.

The key tool is the 5-video series combined with an interactive workbook.

When you watch the videos, you jot down your new-found insights into the workbook.

Each video is between 5 and 10 minutes long and asks you a question. You log your answer in the workbook.

The video and the logging make up a module.

I estimate you’ll want to spend between 15-20 minutes with each of the five modules. 

Ideas change the world but Feelings are what drives it

I’ll be asking you questions about feelings – yours, and your reader’s. It’s your feelings that drive action: to write, to read.

Sometimes it’s hard to find the words to describe our feelings, especially if we work in disciplines that largely ignore the language of Feelings.

As part of this mini-course, you’ll get inspiration from the five-page Glossary of Words for Emotion. I’ve made it especially for you so you can pinpoint the elusive feelings and give them a name.

How long will it take?

Around 90 minutes but it’s up to you how much more Thinking Time you give it. The five, short videos are the main part of the kit. 

You get to choose when you watch the videos. You don’t have to watch them all in one day – but you could. 

It’s up to you how long you spend working on each module.

But, say you take 15-20 minutes over each module.

You could do a module every day for five days. 

Or maybe you’d rather spend a couple of hours at the weekend.

Your choice.

I'm really busy. How could I find the time?

I know what it’s like to take on a new commitment in a life that’s already full to bursting.

With that in mind, I’ve designed planners for you so you can see at a glance how much time you need to put aside and what you need to do to complete the course.

There are two planners, depending on whether you choose to spread the work over a week, or to binge at the weekend. 

If you don't use this kit to reboot your book, you could spend months struggling

If you have a sense that your book plans are going south now, how will that change if you do nothing?

Are you crossing your fingers and hoping that Inspiration will hit soon?

Will you scour the internet for free help?

Buy a more expensive ticket to a writers’ event in the hope of getting 10 minutes’ feedback from agents who won’t have a chance to grasp your book’s concept?

Is that the best use of your money and your time?

Save money, save time

When you buy Reboot your Book, you get instant access to:

5 videos with prompts to find your deep purpose in writing your book 

A workbook to keep you on point and clear about your progress 

A customisable project plan to ensure you get your book back on track 

A glossary to help you find the words to express your and your reader’s feelings 

Planners to help you make sure you finish the course 

A self-accountability record so you keep yourself accountable as you write forward 

All this is worth a great deal more than $47 as you might imagine. But I’ve made this kit to help writers get relief from the frustration and disappointment that an unfinished project causes and I want you to get the benefit.

The best value Reboot your Book offers is this: it will SAVE you TIME. 

Project plan included

It’s a long haul to write a book and Reboot your Book will get you back on track if you’ve got stuck.

But once you are back on track, you’re going to need a road map to follow through to the finish.

I’ve made you this interactive project plan to help you map out your journey to publication.

It’s designed for nonfiction or fiction writers, whether you want to publish traditionally or independently.

You select the journey you want to follow and the Plan guides you through the months you can expect to devote to each activity.

Keep track of your progress after you've finished this course

So many courses just tell you what you could do and leave you to it. I want to help you build on all the excitement Reboot your Book will bring to your book, so I’ve made you a tool.

The self-accountability record helps you keep yourself accountable as you write forward, day by day.

It is essential to record and celebrate each step you take towards finishing your book.

Think what you feel as you ratchet up the word count, and meet all the major milestones along the way to making your book a reality.

That’s what the self-accountability record will help you do.

Imagine how you could feel about your book by next weekend

Whether you choose to spend 10-15 minutes a day for the next five days, or a couple of hours at the weekend, provided you commit to finishing this work, you will have a clear idea of:

1. WHAT you want to say and WHY you want to say it (knowing this keeps you writing)

2. Why YOU have to write this book – and why no-one else can do it

3. Exactly WHO your reader is. You are going to watch them buy your book.

All this will show you how to move forward with your book and write with confidence.

What do other people think?

Ruth, I just took REBOOT YOUR BOOK, your mini-course. It’s excellent. Just the inspiration I need. So clear and motivating. Plus, I could listen to your calm and soothing voice for hours! I adore how you pepper it with humor.’ (Candace Coakley, Book Coach)

‘Your mini-course really helped me refocus on who I was writing for and why. I feel motivated and have made more progress than before I took the course.’ (Chris Jackson, Sales Director, Corporate Treasurer)

‘I’m super-charged from these Reboot exercises. I like the cadence of your voice and it’s excellent. Easy to digest and you have a gentle, yet firm and supportive tone.’ (Irene Y, S Cal)

‘It was fun and inspiring to do and I appreciate your insight that writing a book includes substantial time “staring out the window”.’ (KG, USA)

What happens after I buy?

I use the payment processor ‘Stripe’, so that you can pay securely by credit card in the currency of your choice. 

After you’ve bought Reboot your Book, you get your confirmation of payment and a link to a page on my website where the toolkit is laid out for you.

This picture shows you a little of what the page ‘beyond the paywall’ looks like.  ➡️

There are videos and instruction on the page and you download the workbooks and planners and trackers from Google Drive.

You will have immediate access to those documents and you do not need a Google Account to get hold of them. But if you do have any trouble at all, just email me.

Wondering if paying in $USD is an obstacle?

If the US dollar is not your own currency, you can still buy this product. Your credit card company will make a small conversion charge.

Here’s a link to XE’s free Currency Converter so you can check the current British Pound/US dollar exchange rate (or any other currency).

I gotta tell you - no refunds

Due to the digital nature of this product, I do not offer refunds.

If your toddler or puppy hits the Buy button by mistake, tell me and we’ll work it out.

Reboot your Book

Copyright rests with the Creator

© Ruth Bullivant

VAT No: GB239376182

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