Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn

Authentic Engagement on LinkedIn

Strategies for Authors and Book Coaches

What do you feel when you think about LinkedIn?

Frustrated? Is it like shouting into an echo chamber?

Are you on the point of giving up posting, because it’s not worth all the effort?

What would it feel like to create a sense of honest engagement with people who are interested in you and what you have to offer?

Building an Author Platform, or getting word of your business out there, feels daunting when you think in terms of amassing followers by constant posting. It’s overwhelming.

And overwhelm leads to inaction.

Wouldn’t it be great to build a network of genuine supporters, by engaging with individuals, one at a time, in a thoughtful way as truly as you do in real life?

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn is a workable method that does just that.

Build good habits to nurture engagement on LinkedIn (0:51) (Me, on a wild hair day.)

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn is a three-part system you use to engage, or re-engage, with your Connections to encourage them to spread the word about your business.

In three weeks, you will stop thinking of LinkedIn as a meaningless chore. 

No longer will you go through the motions, dragging yourself onto the platform. You won’t flick through your Feed thinking you could be doing something more useful right now.

You will stop resenting it because you feel you ought to be engaging on it but you’re not sure why.

And as a result...

You will be engaging purposefully with human beings – some old friends, some new contacts.

You will increase your visibility and you will stop feeling blocked, stressed and confused about how to show up on LinkedIn. 

Are you in?

Don’t need to read more? Ready to start the process of engaging authentically on LinkedIn?

Then click on the button to pay by credit card and get immediate access to the course for the special introductory price. 

This is not a course about content creation

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn is about meaningful connection with individuals, one at a time.

LinkedIn is a contradiction. It is a business networking platform that helps people to connect and share content and ideas for business and employment. But it can seem stiff and cold and anything but human.

And yet, the connections you make are usually people you know personally. Often, you’ll have worked with them or met them at a conference.

It’s those people, not your content or your posting schedule that this course nurtures. 

You’ll learn how to spread the word about your books and your business organically and in a way that feels comfortable to YOU.

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn is a three-part system. I walk you through it step-by-step so you engage, or re-engage, with your Connections to encourage them to spread the word about your business.

I show you how to define your message, and how to engage each week. I give you templates and guidance on the process at every step.

It will take you around seven hours – spread over three weeks – to complete. (That’s what makes this course such incredible value).

In Week One, allow up to five hours and in Week Two, and in Week Three, allow around an hour each .

In between, you will find you’re more excited about going onto LinkedIn because you will start to see the fruit of your authentic engagement.

By the end of Week Three, you will have built the good habits you need to take the work of authentic engagement forward.

‘I joined LinkedIn because everyone in the big corporation I worked for was on it. But I have no idea how to use it.’

LinkedIn is a social media platform that suffers from its professional positioning. It’s the grey suit of social media that every business-minded person feels they ought to be on.

But really?

It’s no fun.

Frankly, it’s image is dull.

In my experience (in law and corporate financial services, as an author and as a book coach), LinkedIn is a social media platform used by people who are not comfortable using social media.

People tell me:

I’ve been a LinkedIn member for the last 15 years with no clue as to what it can do for me.

I still worry I am missing out.

Is this for you?

If you are a writer or a coach and you feel compelled to be on LinkedIn to build your audience but you find it a chore, a thankless task, then this is for you.

You want meaningful engagement on LinkedIn to raise awareness of your coaching services or of your book.

Maybe you’ve been a member of LinkedIn for years but never really seen the point of it.

You post, regularly, but get no reactions, which strengthens your belief that it’s fundamentally a waste of time.

You’ve rarely, or never used the direct messaging feature to reach out to contacts – that would be too pushy – and you haven’t looked at your Profile, much, since you set it up.

If you are on LinkedIn and not making its free tools work for you, you’re leaving money on the table.

What if there was a way to get comfortable with LinkedIn, without draining your time?

A way to grow your Connections and Followers – and understand which are which – and see how powerful your posts and messaging on LinkedIn could be?

Do you want to get comfortable?

Take advantage of the introductory price.

I use LinkedIn to spread the word about my coaching business and I want to share my process with you

By the end of this course, you will:

🌟Know exactly – down to the last word and day – what you have to do to engage with your Connections to spread the word about your book or your business.

🌟Understand why regular engagement on LinkedIn is important for your ‘visibility’ – and what ‘engagement’ actually means.

🌟Establish habits of great engagement on LinkedIn. That helps you build your own longer-term campaign for your coaching business.

How it works

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn is highly interactive and practical. It leads you step by step through my process for engaging with your own Connections to ask their permission to help spread word of your book or business.

In this course, we never ‘sell’.

We raise awareness, we invite, but we never ask anyone to buy anything.

You start small, with just a handful of personalised messages. That gives you the method, so you can take the work forward on a regular basis.

This course takes three weeks, because it is practical. It works in real time. You will work to a simple timetable that gives your Connections time to respond before you start the next step.

When you have completed each step, I give you wording to take and make your own, so you can respond and move the conversation on.

That way, you spread the word about your book or your business in your own voice, leading to authentic engagement.

How much does this cost?

The launch price of this course that changes your mind, and stops you feeling that time spent on LinkedIn is time wasted, is $47.

With clear instruction, it takes you step by step through the process of reaching out to your Connections to invite them to help spread word of your books or your business. 

You get clear instruction by videos where I talk you through the material, on screen.  You get generous materials to support your work. You get the actual step by step Process to build your visibility on LinkedIn and you get a Tracker to measure your progress.

And who knows what your increased visibility on LinkedIn may lead to?

In my own experience, it’s led to discovery calls and paying clients, but it’s also led to a greater sense of connection with old and new contacts and the enjoyment of mutual support in our various enterprises.

Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn opens a door onto how fun engagement on LinkedIn can actually be.

It shows you how to increase your visibility, which leads to more conversations about how your book or services help someone who needs them.

Writers and Coaches have said this about 'Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn'

I took Ruth’s Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn , three weeks of one to one coaching for writers and book coaches. It’s amazing! She breaks things down into clear and manageable steps and made what seemed like a huge (and scary) undertaking totally doable.

Your program is fabulous. The updates you helped me make to my Profile and Page have boosted my signal! Thank you!

I’ve learned a ton.

I am more confident I can build my author platform with this knowledge.

I feel a lot better about using LinkedIn.

The material is outstanding, extremely generous.

I’ve booked one, possibly two discovery calls via my LinkedIn outreach since we started!

My invitation to you

The whole course is built on the foundation of politeness and invitation, not pushyness.

In that spirit, I’d love to show you how you can make LinkedIn a more valuable part of your social media portfolio.

If you are ready to take the course, you can get it here: 

What you get

You get videos that show you step by step what you need to do to follow the process of initiating authentic engagement on LinkedIn, by sending a Direct Message, individually to your Connections.

I show you exactly how to do this, both at a technical level and by giving you wording to take and make your own. You get a whistle-stop tour of LinkedIn from the point of view of the course, so that you know where to find things.

The course is in three parts.

One for each week.

Week One

The first week, you need around five hours to complete all the work:

To watch four videos of around 5 minutes each, and an introduction to key features on LinkedIn.

To download the Process, and the Tracker, and to watch the two, 3 minute videos on how to use these documents.

To download guidance on valuable commenting, and to implement it. Another principle of this course, along with no-pushyness, is to give back more than you take.

That is why from the first week, we work on some good habits in engaging with other people’s posts.

Under my direction, you get super clear about your reason for being on LinkedIn and you will write a post that reflects that sense of purpose.

Then you will learn how to implement the process that results in natural, authentic, engagement with your Connections.

Week Two

The second and third week will take less of your time in learning (around an hour, each), and more in implementation.

In Week Two, you will take your engagement to the next stage by responding, and nudging gently where needed, and you will start to see tiny, incremental changes in your visibility.

You will know that is happening, because I will show you how to measure the data you need to benchmark your growth.

Week Three

This stage of the course is where the magic happens.

As a result of those polite invitations I was telling you about, you will start to get real engagement, either because your Connections have responded with interest or because you are helping them to be super-clear about whether they want to help you.

In this week, you discover you are completely set up to take this work forward on a regular and manageable basis.

You learn how to set up a business page and why it would benefit you. My instruction goes beyond the simple act of setting up a page and shares suggestions for making it a valuable additional asset to your Profile. 

So what do I get for my money?

Step-by-Step Guidance

I give you clear instructions, by videos and by the written word, from Week One to Week Three, to ensure you understand how to make the Direct Messaging Process work for you. 

Practical Homework Assignments

You have tasks to perform (I tell you exactly how these work) that help you to immediately put the strategies I teach into practice. These are not ‘exercises’ – they are for real, so that you see the benefit of this work at once, in real time. 

Take and make your own wording 

I give you ready-to-use scripts to save you time and effort in getting your engagement under way, and of course, you can adapt the wording to fit your own needs. 

Track your engagement and measure your data

I give you a Tracker that acts as a schedule, a checklist, a prompt, a data gatherer and a record of your progress as you reach out and increase your visibility on LinkedIn.

Perennial Access

There is no time expiry to this course. You can start when you are ready. You can download all the material to your own device so you can revisit the content and resources whenever you need.

What happens when I click that button?

A box like this pops up and you drop your details in.

I use the payment processor ‘Stripe’, so that you can pay securely by credit card in the currency of your choice.

Your card people might charge a small convenience fee.

After you’ve bought Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn, you’ll go straight to the page where the course is laid out for you.

Stripe will confirm your payment in your email inbox.

This picture shows you what the page ‘beyond the paywall’ looks like. 

There are videos and instruction on the page and you download the special DM Process and the Tracker from Google Drive.

'I've never used Google Drive before'

You do not need a Google Account to get hold of the materials. You will have immediate access to them.

I give you instructions how to download them from Google Drive so you can make them your own. 

But if you do have any trouble at all, just email me.

Wondering if paying in $USD is an obstacle?

If the US dollar is not your own currency, you can still buy this product in any currency. Your credit card company might make a small conversion charge.

The current British Pound/US dollar exchange rate is around 1.2 dollars to the pound. This $47 dollar product is equivalent to roughly £40.

But rates fluctuate so you’ll want to check the rate for yourself. I often use this converter:

Imagine how you could feel about going onto LinkedIn this time next month

If you can commit to a few hours work in the first week, and then continue the work as I lay out for you in the second and the third week, you will quickly find out that real human beings, who are interested in your work and support your efforts, are reading your messages and your posts.

Every ‘Like’ and every Comment reaches their own network, extending your reach.

How is that going to make you feel?

My guess is that you will no longer approach LinkedIn with a feeling of dread or boredom, gritting your teeth to tick a chore off the weekly list.

You will open it up with curiosity and hope, and will feel real delight when you see a message from a Connection you haven’t spoken to in a long while.

Upgrade to get a Personal Profile Audit

Having a really well-built, up to date LinkedIn Profile is essential to attract the ‘approval’ of the LinkedIn algorithm.

In turn, that boosts your posts and other engagement.

If you think you’d benefit from a Personal Profile Audit, you’ll have a chance to book that for $28 when you buy this course. 

People find my Personal Audits of their Profile transformative, because I show you how to make your Profile a valuable asset that will stand out.

I’ll record you a walk-through of your Profile, where I show you what works well and what could be bolstered to enhance your visibility on LinkedIn.

I’ll give you a checklist of actionable steps, and further instruction by video, so you know what are the most important things to deal with first.

When you buy the Audit, I will let you know when to expect it. If I happen to be travelling at the time, it may take up to four weeks but usually, it’s much quicker!

Make your selection to opt for a Personal Profile Audit when you buy Connect with Confidence on LinkedIn

One-to-One Coaching

If you want individual help with building your presence on LinkedIn, I offer private 1:1 coaching sessions for $250.

You get guidance tailored to your particular needs, and I can address your specific questions or challenges.

If you want some 1:1 coaching on your presence in LinkedIn, you will have a chance to book it when you buy this course. 

First, make payment on this button. Then a page will pop up, for you to select a date for your 1:1 coaching, and to start your course.

I gotta tell you - no refunds

Due to the digital nature of this product, I do not offer refunds.

If your toddler hits the Buy button by mistake, tell me and we’ll work it out.

I have no affiliation with LinkedIn

This is not a course developed under the aegis of LinkedIn. It does not promote any of the LinkedIn premium products. 

It springs from my own hard-earned experience of engaging on the platform, until I found a method that works.

I am not connected in any way to LinkedIn other than by virtue of being an active participant on the platform and I take no remuneration, nor earn commission, from LinkedIn, nor do I promote paid services offered by LinkedIn.


Copyright rests with the Creator.

That’s me. I’ve worked hard to bring you this course.

Respect my ownership of this content.

© Ruth Bullivant

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